National meetings

2019 Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting

30 May 2019 | by Choosing Wisely Australia

About the National Meeting

The 2019 Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting, hosted by NPS MedicineWise, was held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground on Thursday 30 May.

Keynote speaker

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Professor Trish Greenhalgh

Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences and Fellow of Green Templeton College at the University of Oxford

Master of ceremonies

Craig reucassel

Craig Reucassel

Speaker, writer and comedian

Conference report

Read the full conference report from the Croakey Conference News Service


  • Find out more about the Lightning Talks and poster abstracts presented at the National Meeting in the 2019 Abstract Book.

Poster presentations

Using the Patient Activation Measure to improve health outcomes for Australians with chronic illness by Mr James Ansell, Ms Jo Root and Ms Leanne Wells, Consumers Health Forum of Australia

How Hospital Based Order Sets Can Help Drive Practice Change and Significantly Reduce the Harm and Cost Associated with Unwarranted Variation by Lis Herbert and Colin McNeil, Elsevier

Northern Health Consumer Awareness Project: Improving Confidence for Consumers in Using NPS MedicineWise '5 Questions' by Sandy Ayoub and Dr Kristen Pearson, Northern Health

Ask an Informationist, Engaging with the evidence by Michele Gaca and Helen Baxter, Austin Health Sciences Library

Colonoscopy and Australian Healthcare services: Changing the standard of care wisely by Conjoint Professor Anne Duggan, Mr Iain Skinner, Dr Brett Abbenbroek, Mr Chris Leahy, Alice Bhasale, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

Engaging for Change: Cutting through the Noise by Pip Brennan, Health Consumers Council (WA)

Asymptomatic Bacteriuria Management at Armadale Health Service by Dr Joel Tate and Jessica Casado, East Metropolitan Health Service

Empowering Consumers in Choosing Wisely and Shared Care at East Metropolitan Health Service by Mrs Rebecca McLean, Mrs Frances Downey, Mrs Jessica Casado, Dr Sumit Sinha-Roy, East Metropolitan Health Service and Royal Perth Bentley Group

Engaging Clinicians as Part of a Choosing Wisely Champions Program to Build Capacity and Sustainability in a tertiary hospital by Mrs Jessica Casado, Dr Sumit Sinha-Roy, Mrs Frances Downey, Dr Joel Tate, Mr Ryan Shepherd, East Metropolitan Health Service and Royal Perth Bentley Group

Supporting Junior Clinical Staff in Undertaking Choosing Wisely Projects within a tertiary hospital by Dr Sumit Sinha-Roy, Dr Michele Delacretaz, Mrs Jessica Casado, Mrs Frances Downey, Dr Joel Tate, Mr Ryan Shepherd, East Metropolitan Health Service and Royal Perth Bentley Group

Clinician Follow-Up of Elevated Glycated Haemoglobin Results in Hospital Inpatients by Timothy Lin, Paul Chubb, Seng Khee Gan, Samuel Vasikaran, Gerard Chew, Royal Perth Hospital and University of Western Australia

Whack-a-mole: An innovative approach to evidence based teaching and assessment of complementary medicines: Changing culture through health professional education and training by A/Prof Basia Diug, Bethany Howard, A/Prof Ken Harvey, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University

Nudging behaviour change to reduce patient radiation from unnecessary renal colic CTU by Cathryn Dunstan, Gabriel Blecher, M elody Hiew, Angela Melder, Diana Egerton Warburton, Centre for Clinical Effectiveness, Monash Health

Diluting the supply of evidence-poor products: Homeopathy in pharmacy by Dr Chris Freeman, The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia

Improve patient care and reduce healthcare costs by unlocking the power of your data with ILYTIX™ by Kathleen Frost, LTS Health

Choice Architecture: Impact on GP Diagnostic Requesting Patterns - UK Case Studies by Kathleen Frost, LTS Health

Have ideas? We’re Listening. Engaging our consumers, health professionals and community partners to choose wisely. by Megan Giles, Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service

Back to the Future of Social Media? by Jemma Gonzalez, Jason Ealey & Josh Meyers, NPS MedicineWise

QFIRST: Quality Focussed Interventions for the Relief of Symptoms Team by Alex Grosso, Staff Specialist Anaesthesia & Intensive Care, Sunshine Coast University Hospital

Reducing Low Value Care in the Department of Critical Care Medicine by Vicky Jones, Associate Nurse Unit Manager, St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne

Advocating for scientifically-based, informed choice of therapeutic goods and service by Assoc Prof Ken Harvey, Prof Rob Morrison and Malcolm Vickers, Monash University, Flinders University and Friends of Science in Medicine

Confused patients and confused doctors: the role of CT brain in patients presenting to ED with confusion by Aarane Jeyakumar, Dr Emma Cole, Dr Paul Buntine, Monash University and Eastern Health

To scan or not to scan: Is Box Hill hospital emergency department Choosing Wisely in cases of head injury? by Dr Paul Buntine, L. Reid, Madeline Smith, Aarane Jeyakumar, Eastern Health and Monash University

Keynote presentation: The challenges of spread and scale-up: implementation science, complexity science and social science

Professor Trish Greenhalgh
Primary Care Health Sciences and Fellow
Green Templeton College at the University of Oxford

Insights from the Better Care Victoria Scaling Collaboration

Dr Douglas Travis
Better Care Victoria Board

Reducing the noise to engage consumers and referrers to Western Health Medical Imaging

Julia Firth
Operations Manager Medical Imaging and Pathology Contract
Western Health

Tailoring the use of opioids on discharge from hospital

Adj A/Prof Matthew Anstey
Intensive Care Specialist and Co-Director of ICU Research
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth

Choosing Wisely Australia Advisory Group

Colonoscopy and Australian healthcare services - changing the standard of care wisely

Alice Bhasale
Senior Project Officer
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

Yes Wee Can: better urine sample collection for young pre-continent children

Dr Jonathan Kaufman
PhD Student
University of Melbourne

Empowering Consumers in Choosing Wisely and Shared Care

Jessica Casado

East Metropolitan Health Service

Asymptomatic Bacteriuria Management at Armadale Health Service

Dr Joel Tate and Jessica Casado

East Metropolitan Health Service

QFIRST - Quality Focused Interventions for the Relief of Symptoms Team

Alex Grosso

Staff Specialist Anaesthesia & Intensive Care

Sunshine Coast University Hospital

Advocating for scientifically-based, informed choice of therapeutic goods and service

Assoc Prof Ken Harvey

Monash University and Friends of Science in Medicine

8:00 – 9:30

Registrations open

9:30 – 9:45

Welcome to Country

9:45 – 10:00

Official Opening: Conversations for changing behaviour

Master of Ceremonies and Event Facilitator Craig Reucassel
CEO NPS MedicineWise, Adj A/Prof Steve Morris
10:00 – 11:00

Keynote Presentation

Professor Trish Greenhalgh The challenges of spread and scale-up: implementation science, complexity science and social science Facilitated Q&A
11:00 – 11:05

Award Presentation

Professor Trish Greenhalgh Best student abstract submission
11:05 – 11:35

Morning tea

11:35 – 13:00

Sustaining the Choosing Wisely movement

Dr Doug Travis, Chair, Better Care Victoria Board Introduction
13:00 – 14:00


14:00 – 14:20

Resources and toolkits available to support Choosing Wisely activities

Craig Reucassel
14:20 – 15:45

Lightning presentation series

Danielle Muscat Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Sydney​ - Helping people to choose wisely: A pilot study of methods to engage consumers in health decisions across health literacy levels
Adj A/Prof Matthew Anstey Intensive Care Specialist and Co-Director of ICU Research at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth and Chair, Choosing Wisely Australia Advisory Group - Tailoring the use of opioids on discharge from hospital
Alice Bhasale Senior Project Officer, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Colonoscopy and Australian healthcare services - changing the standard of care wisely
A/Prof Ian Scott Director of Internal Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology, Princess Alexandra Hospital - A sociocognitive approach to changing clinician behaviour and reducing low value care
Jonathan Kaufman PhD Student, University of Melbourne - Yes Wee Can: better urine sample collection for young pre-continent children
Deb Mitchell Manager, Partnerships and Service Design, Monash Health - Moving past the panic – healthcare staff responses to disinvestment – A systematic search and qualitative thematic synthesis
Wee Loon Ong Clinical Research Fellow, Austin Health - Evaluating the impact of the Choosing Wisely radiation oncology recommendations using the Victorian Radiotherapy Minimum Data Set
15:45 – 16:00

Event wrap up and next steps – how to get involved

Craig Reucassel
16:00 – 17:30

Networking drinks

5 Questions

5 questions to ask your doctor or other healthcare provider to make sure you end up with the right amount of care.

Find out more

2022 Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting - 3 May

On behalf of NPS MedicineWise, Choosing Wisely Australia invites you to our 2022 National Meeting to be held on 3 May 2022.


2021 Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting - Virtual event - 19 May

On behalf of NPS MedicineWise, Choosing Wisely Australia invites you to our 2021 National Meeting to be held virtually on 19 May 2021.