
Choosing Wisely Week Engagement Toolkit

Choosing Wisely Week is an opportunity to promote projects being implemented by Choosing Wisely members and supports the reduction of unnecessary tests, treatments and procedures. We have developed a toolkit to assist members and supporters, particularly Champion Health Services, to promote local projects.

Choosing Wisely Week 2022


Choosing Wisely Week 2022 will be held on 28 February - 06 March.

The Choosing Wisely Week Toolkit has been updated to include the launch of local "Choicies Awards", our Champion Recognition Program, at your organisation. Local award winners can then be nominated for a National Choosing Wisely Champions Award here.

Download: The Choosing Wisely Week 2022 Engagement Toolkit and host Choosing Wisely Week at your organisation.

Join as a Champion Health Service to be part of this initiative. Click here to find out more.

Choosing Wisely Week 2021

Choosing Wisely Week 2021 Engagement Toolkit

Choosing Wisely Week 2021 was held on 22-28 March. The week was very successful with active engagement from Choosing Wisely members and supporters, an increased presence on social media and good radio coverage.

Choosing Wisely Champion Health Services held a range of activities for Choosing Wisely Week. Here are some examples of the Choosing Wisely Week activities.

The Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service promoted the week in their staff e-newsletter, in a consumer newsletter and they had volunteers encouraging people to take an information sheet. They held a Choosing Wisely stand asking consumers ‘What stops you from asking questions to your doctor?” and put the answers up on a board.

The Mackay Hospital and Health Service released their first Mackay Community and Inpatient Choosing Wisely consumer survey. They had consumer displays in the main hospital entrance and on elevator screens, and the Choosing Wisely 5 questions, banners and information was displayed in the main hospital entrance and all outpatient and ward reception areas. Choosing Wisely Week was included in staff newsletters and forums.

Choosing Wisely Week in social media: Health professional colleges, associations, health consumer organisations and service providers as well as individuals were talking about Choosing Wisely Week as can be seen on this Twitter moment. In comparison to the two weeks before, the week prior to Choosing Wisely Week when we promoted the event, and Choosing Wisely Week itself saw a 297% increase in impressions across Choosing Wisely Australia Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Video views on Facebook and Twitter increased by over 300%.

Choosing Wisely Week in the media: There were 961 media mentions regarding Choosing Wisely Week resulting in an estimated reach of around 250,000 people. A Choosing Wisely Australia spokesperson talked about Choosing Wisely, encouraging people to ask questions on radio stations across the country.

5 Questions

5 questions to ask your doctor or other healthcare provider to make sure you end up with the right amount of care.

Find out more