News & events

National meetings

Each year NPS MedicineWise hosts a Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting which attracts health professionals, consumer organisations, researchers, medical students and policy makers from state and federal government. The event showcases implementation activities and outcomes and offers a platform for stakeholders to share insights and ideas to take back to their organisations for future activities.

CW 2021 Web Carousel 1054x632px
24 Feb 2021 | National meeting

2021 Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting - Virtual event - 19 May

On behalf of NPS MedicineWise, Choosing Wisely Australia invites you to our 2021 National Meeting to be held virtually on 19 May 2021.

23 Mar 2020 | National meeting

2020 Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, and with the safety and wellbeing of our meeting attendees, presenters, staff and suppliers as our highest priority, we have unfortunately had to cancel this year’s Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting. This was a difficult decision, as the National Meeting is an important component of the Choosing Wisely Australia initiative, however in the circumstances we have made the decision that we are best placed to plan to meet again in 2021.

30 May 2019 | National meeting

2019 Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting

The 2019 Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting, hosted by NPS MedicineWise, was held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground on Thursday 30 May.

30 May 2018 | National meeting

2018 Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting

The 2018 Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting was held on Wednesday 30 May at the National Convention Centre Canberra.

04 May 2017 | National meeting

2017 Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting

NPS MedicineWise hosted the inaugural Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting for members and supporters in Melbourne on Thursday 4 May 2017.

Stewardship toolkit for clinical educators

The Health Resource Stewardship for Clinical educators contains educational material about the Choosing Wisely initiative for use in universities, hospitals and health professional colleges

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