Become a Choosing Wisely Champion Health Service

Health services across Australia are championing the Choosing Wisely initiative to improve the safety and quality of health care for hospital patients. The implementation of projects to reduce unnecessary tests, treatments and procedures for both inpatients and outpatients are helping to drive improvements in patient care. 

Become a Champion Health Service

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Join the health services network It’s free to join the Choosing Wisely community and to be part of the growing initiative. Find out more ...

​​Armadale Kalamunda Group

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Austin Health

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Reducing coagulation studies ordered at Austin Health by Asmara Jammali-Blasi - Choosing Wisely Project Manager (Choosing Wisely Australia 2017 National Meeting)

Bendigo Community Health Services

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Logo Bendigo Community Health Services

Bendigo Health

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Cabrini Health

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Calvary Public Hospital Bruce

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Calvary logo

Canberra Health Services

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Cairns and Hinterland HHS

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Logo Cairns and Hinterland HHS

Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service

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CQ Health

Child and Adolescent Health Service (CAHS)

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Darling Downs Health

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Darling downs

Eastern Health

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NUTS: No unnecessary tests at Eastern Health by​ Janet Steele - Project Manager ​(Choosing Wisely Australia 2017 National Meeting)​
'No Unnecessary Tests' (NUTs) Aims to scale up a successful and proven project at Eastern Health's Box Hill Emergency Department with a focus on reducing unnecessary tests. In 2016, Eastern Health produced a short video to be shown at a Healthcare forum in Sweden about the NUTS campaign.
Drowning in data: the argument for no unnecessary tests Explores how Eastern Health identifies the likely hotspots of unnecessary testing, their underlying causes and the use of a four-step approach they designed to change clinical practice on a theoretical framework.
Engaging young doctors to help drive change During the past two years Eastern Health has been implementing its No Unnecessary Tests (NUTS) program, which has strong alignment with the principles of Choosing Wisely Australia. The NUTS philosophy is that patients should receive investigations that will benefit clinical decision-making.

East Metropolitan Health Service

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Wa east

Eurobodalla Health Services Southern NSW LHD

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Logo Eurobodalla Health Services Southern NSW LHD

Gold Coast Health

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Gold coast health logo
Managing the demand and improving the quality use of pathology testing at Gold Coast Health by Therese Kelly - Choosing Wisely Pathology Project Manager (Choosing Wisely Australia 2017 National Meeting)

Goulburn Valley Health

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Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District

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Joondalup Health Campus

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Launceston General Hospital

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Mackay Hospital and Health Service

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Mackay hospital

Mercy Health

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Mercy health

Metro South Hospital and Health Service

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Metro south

Monash Health

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Disseminating, disinvesting and reducing low value care: The Monash Health experience by Angela Melder - Manager, Centre for Clinical Effectiveness (Choosing Wisely Australia 2017 National Meeting)

Northern Health

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Northern NSW Local Health District

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Northern NSW Local Health District

Northern Sydney Local Health District

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Northern Sydney Local Health District

Northern Territory Government (NT Health)

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Northern Territory Government Health logo

Peninsula Health

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Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (RBWH)

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Working to reduce duplicate or unnecessary care: Are we "Choosing Wisely"? Jessica Toleman - Clinical Lead on implementing the Choosing Wisely Australia program in the hospital environment

Royal Hobart Hospital

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Royal Perth Bentley Group

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Royal perth bentley group2

Sir Charles Gairdner Osborne Park Health Care Group

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Implementation of Choosing Wisely Australia initiatives at Sir Charles Gairdner Osborne Park Hospital by Dr Matthew Anstey, Intensive Care and Emergency Physician / Chair of the Choosing Wisely Australia Advisory Group (Choosing Wisely Australia 2017 National Meeting)

St John of God Midland Hospital

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St john

South Metropolitan Health Service

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South metro

St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne

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Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service

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Choose Wisely Choose Co-Design Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service (SCHHS) recognises that for many people hospital is just one part of their healthcare journey, so helping consumers ask questions about their care and promoting broader collaboration with consumers is vital.

Swan Hill District Health

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Tasmanian Health Service

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Tasmanian Health Service

The Prince Charles Hospital

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The Prince Charles Hospital Logo280 X70

The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne

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Townsville Hospital and Health Service

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Townsville hospital

Western Australia Country Health Service

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Western aus

Western Health

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Western health

West Gippsland Healthcare Group

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West Moreton Health

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West Moreton Health

Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service

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Women’s and Children’s Health Network

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Hs womens childrens health network logo


Health services are leading the implementation of Choosing Wisely Australia through clinician-led initiatives and playing a key role in delivering quality evidence-based care for the benefit of all Australians.

By becoming a Choosing Wisely Champion Health Service your organisation will be making a concerted contribution to reducing unnecessary care and improving health care outcomes in Australia.

Key opportunities:

  • Attend regular forums such as meetings and webinars with other health services, health professional colleges, societies, associations and consumer organisations where you can share ideas and inspiration to improve the quality of care you provide.
  • Access real life examples of how Champion Health Services have implemented projects to improve patient care.
  • Connect and collaborate with a network of like-minded professionals to reach a common goal.
  • Access toolkits and resources to help you implement change in your own health setting.
  • Showcase your projects to a national audience via the Choosing Wisely network and channels. Opportunities include presenting at Choosing Wisely webinars, having your achievements featured on the Choosing Wisely website, in the National Meeting and annual reports.

Many of our Champion Health Services are making a difference to reduce low value care and improve health outcomes. Find out what organisations are involved and more about their activities.

How do I find out more?

Download our brochure

Contact our Choosing Wisely team to express your interest by emailing us at [email protected]

    Download the brochure

    For more information on how to become a Champion Health Service, please email us at [email protected]

    Download here