National meetings

2017 Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting

04 May 2017 | by Choosing Wisely Australia

NPS MedicineWise hosted the inaugural Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting for members and supporters in Melbourne on Thursday 4 May 2017. The aim of the meeting was to:

  • Showcase the progress of Choosing Wisely Australia in the two years since launch, including measures of success and impact;
  • Offer an exchange of ideas and connections to maintain and build momentum; and
  • Highlight both consumer and health professional innovations and opportunities that support a culture shift towards eliminating unnecessary healthcare practices.

Choosing Wisely in Australia

Dr Robyn Lindner
Client Relations Manager, Health Technologies
NPS MedicineWise

Managing the demand and improving the quality use of pathology testing at Gold Coast Health

Therese Kelly
Choosing Wisely Pathology Project Manager
Gold Coast Health

Are we choosing wisely?

Jessica Toleman
Acting Director of Pharmacy
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital

Clinical Lead / Coordinator - Choosing Wisely
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital

Reducing coagulation studies ordered at Austin Health

Asmara Jammali-Blasi
Project Manager - Choosing Wisely, Quality and Patient Safety Program
Austin Hospital

Implementation of Choosing Wisely Australia initiatives at Sir Charles Gairdner Osborne Park Hospital

Dr Matthew Anstey
Intensive Care and Emergency Physician
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

Choosing Wisely Australia Advisory Group

Disseminating, disinvesting and reducing low value care: The Monash Health experience

Angela Melder
Centre for Clinical Effectiveness, Monash Health

Choosing the best model of care for hernia surgery

Prof David Watters
Professor of Surgery
Barwon Health and Past President Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

Spreading the Evolve message: Experiences of a palliative medicine physician

Dr Patricia Lee-Apostol
Palliative Medicine Specialist
Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service, The Royal Australasian College of Physicians

NUTS: No unnecessary tests at Eastern Health

Janet Steele
Project Manager, Eastern Health

Choosing Wisely supporting antimicrobial stewardship

Vanessa Simpson
Senior Clinical Program Officer, Program Implementation
NPS MedicineWise

Personalising care for patients with dementia to encourage use of non-pharmacological strategies

Natalie Blacker
Development Coordinator
University of South Australia - Veterans' Medicines Advice and Therapeutics Education Services project

The COACH Program®: Empowering patients with cardiovascular disease to close their ‘treatment gaps’

A/Prof Margarite Vale
Founder and Director
The COACH Program

Clinical Associate Professor
Australian Catholic University

Clinical Associate Professor
Australian Catholic University

Evaluation insights from the first two years of Choosing Wisely

Leanne Atkins
Program & Product Lead, Evaluation
NPS MedicineWise

Using data to support Choosing Wisely principles in the Australian aged care setting

Dr Chris Alderman
Director of Clinical Excellence
Ward Medication Management

8.45 - 9.15


9.15 - 9.30

Official opening

Marty Wilson Master of Ceremonies
9.30 - 9.35


Dr Lynn Weekes AM NPS MedicineWise
9.35 - 9.45

Choosing Wisely in Australia

Dr Robyn Lindner NPS MedicineWise
9.45 - 10.05

Keynote address: The imperative for culture change in Australia's health service delivery

Prof Brendan Murphy Chief Medical Officer
10.05 - 10.45

Panel discussion: Using evidence to make better health decisions. Opportunities and challenges for Choosing Wisely in Australia.

Prof Brendan Murphy Chief Medical Officer
Dr Simon Judkins Austin Health
Prof David Watters Formerly of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Pip Brennan Health Consumers Council WA
Dr Karen Luxford Clinical Excellence Commission
10.45 - 11.00

Morning Tea

11.00 - 11.45

Implementation in action: Insights from Choosing Wisely Australia Champion Health Services

Managing the demand and improving the quality use of pathology testing at Gold Coast Health Therese Kelly, Gold Coast Health
Are we choosing wisely? Jessica Toleman, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
Reducing coagulation studies ordered at Austin Health Asmara Jammali-Blasi, Austin Health
Implementation of Choosing Wisely Australia initiatives at Sir Charles Gairdner Osborne Park Health Care Group Dr Matthew Anstey, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
Disseminating, disinvesting and reducing low value care: The Monash Health experience Angela Melder, Monash Health
11.35 - 11.45


11.45 - 12.15

Group discussion: Identifying challenges and opportunities for implementation and evaluation in Australia

12.15 - 1.00

Implementation in action: Health professional organisations and health services

Choosing the best model of care for hernia surgery Prof David Watters, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Spreading the Evolve message: Experiences of a palliative medicine physician Dr Patricia Lee-Apostol, Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service
Policy change: Upscheduling of low-dose codeine products to prescription only and restricting inappropriate access Johanna de Wever, The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia
NUTS: No unnecessary tests at Eastern Health Janet Steele, Eastern Health
Choosing wisely supporting antimicrobial stewardship Vanessa Simpson, NPS MedicineWise
Choosing Wisely in healthcare: What’s law got to do with it? Assoc Prof Nola Ries, University of Newcastle
1.00 - 2.00


2.00 - 2.40

Panel and group discussion: Consumer engagement -the next phase

Dr Robyn Lindner NPS MedicineWise
Leanne Wells Consumers Health Forum of Australia
Pip Brennan Health Consumers Council WA
Richard Osborne Deakin University
2.40 - 3.15

Consumer engagement in action

Too much medicine and not enough conversation: Reducing the burden by supporting informed choice about polypharmacy Dr Jesse Jansen, University of Sydney
Personalising care for patients with dementia to encourage use of non-pharmacological strategies Natalie Blacker, Veterans' Medicines Advice and Therapeutics Education Services program
The COACH Program®: Empowering patients with cardiovascular disease to close their ‘treatment gaps’ Assoc Prof Margarite Vale, The COACH Program®
3.15 - 3.30

Afternoon tea

3.30 - 3.40

Let’s Compare: A Choosing Wisely International Measurement Collaborative

Prof Adam Elshaug University of Sydney
3.40 - 4.30

Measuring impact

MedicineInsight: Data insights in primary care Rachel Hayhurst, NPS MedicineWise
Evaluation insights from the first two years of Choosing Wisely Leanne Atkins, NPS MedicineWise
Using data to support Choosing Wisely principles in the Australian aged care setting Dr Chris Alderman, Ward Medication Management
How prevalent are Choosing Wisely ‘do-not-do’ practices? It depends on your perspective Kelsey Chalmers, University of Sydney
4.30 - 4.45

What next? Priorities for action

Marty Wilson Master of Ceremonies
Dr Robyn Lindner NPS MedicineWise


5 Questions

5 questions to ask your doctor or other healthcare provider to make sure you end up with the right amount of care.

Find out more

2022 Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting - 3 May

On behalf of NPS MedicineWise, Choosing Wisely Australia invites you to our 2022 National Meeting to be held on 3 May 2022.


2021 Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting - Virtual event - 19 May

On behalf of NPS MedicineWise, Choosing Wisely Australia invites you to our 2021 National Meeting to be held virtually on 19 May 2021.