The Next Wave – Healthcare providers
Adjunct Professor Kylie Ward:
If you are in a busy emergency department, or any particular area, to be an advocate for a patient, to empower a patient, it isn't of the best interest to do unnecessary testing.
Dr Frank Jones:
So, it really is one of the challenges of the science and art of general practice that we have to use our evidence. I think we have to question at each and every step what we do.
Laureate Professor Nicholas Talley:
So, I think it's about education. I think it's about communication. I think it's about drive and enthusiasm from leadership, because leadership’s a part of this too. No leadership, nothing happens. But I do think it's about educating all.
Professor John Slavotinek:
We launched an app which is available on a smart or mobile phones, so a doctor in practice can follow this and, I guess, essentially come up with the correct decision about the appropriateness for imaging.
Dr Simon Judkins:
One of the things we’ve realised is that that's all well and good for the College of Emergency Medicine to have recommendations about appropriate radiology test ordering, but if at the next phase of that patient's care, they just get that test done anyway, then we haven't actually achieved anything.
Dr Mary Langcake:
There's no point one college making recommendations and then the patient is under the influence of another specialist. So we need to be working together in what I like to call an intercollegiate way to make sure that all of our trainees and our medical students are hearing this message, and we need to talk with our patients.
5 Questions
5 questions to ask your doctor or other healthcare provider to make sure you end up with the right amount of care.