
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists

Recommendations from the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists on visual fields, vitamins, alpha-1 blockers, intravitreal injections & retinal detachment. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO) is the leading medical eye specialist organisation in Australia and New Zealand. RANZCO’s mission is to drive improvements in eye health care through continuing exceptional training, education, research and advocacy.

Do not investigate systemically well patients with a first, uncomplicated episode of acute anterior uveitis.

Date reviewed: 27 October 2022

No investigations are necessary for the first episode if there is a negative system review. If it is a second episode or the history suggests a possible underlying cause, appropriate investigations are:

  • FBC
  • U and E
  • LFT
  • ESR
  • CRP
  • ACE
  • Syphilis serology
  • HLA B27
  • CXR

Other tests are expensive, and the yield is very low.

Supporting evidence
  • Agrawal, R. V., Murthy, S., Sangwan, V., & Biswas, J. (2010). Current approach in diagnosis and management of anterior uveitis. Indian journal of ophthalmology, 58(1), 11-19.
  • Forooghian, F, Gupta, R, Wong, D, Derzko-dzulynsky, l. (2006). Anterior uveitis investigation by Canadian ophthalmologists: insights from the Canadian national uveitis survey. Canadian journal of ophthalmology, 41(5), 577-589.

    How this list was made How this list was made

    RANZCO has undertaken a multi-stage consultation process to ensure that the entire spectrum of medical eye specialists in Australia and New Zealand can contribute to the process of identifying and refining the top five recommendations. The first stage included a survey of fellows to identify possible recommendations, which were then narrowed down and by a dedicated “Choosing Wisely” committee of RANZCO members. A second survey was then sent to all members to provide feedback on the list of five and received a high response rate. Based on the extensive feedback received via the survey, RANZCO’s “Choosing Wisely” committee crafted the final wording of the top five recommendations. Finally, the RANZCO board discussed and approved the recommendations.

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