Media releases

Better Care Victoria Collaboration hosts Choosing Wisely Week

IMAGE1 better care victoria collaboration hosts choosing wisely week2

For many health services participating in the Better Care Victoria Scaling Collaboration, the week from 4–8 May was an opportunity to promote Choosing Wisely across participating health services in areas that may not have been involved in the project. Project Lead for the Choosing Wisely Scaling Collaboration, Mrs Asmara Jammali-Blasi, said: “It was important each site was able to leverage the week in a way that best suited their individual health service goals and to target areas that would most benefit from the opportunity.”“For clinicians already aware of Choosing Wisely, activities like the information stands provided an excellent opportunity to receive feedback about how much they knew about Choosing Wisely and how they felt about the initiative,” she said.

As the lead health service, Austin Health developed a range of resources and templates that were shared with the collaboration including banners, posters, badges and lanyard cards for medical students. This was further supported by resources from Choosing Wisely Australia including patient wallet cards and a communications guide for social media.

Activities undertaken across the week included:- dedicated Grand Round presentations- education sessions for junior medical staff- information stands in hospital foyers for consumers and staff- afternoon teas in clinical areas- special edition newsletters - intranet page announcements

A huge thank you to everyone who participated!

Find out how to become a Choosing Wisely Australia Champion Health Service.

IMAGE3 better care victoria collaboration hosts choosing wisely week2

Stewardship toolkit for clinical educators

The Health Resource Stewardship for Clinical educators contains educational material about the Choosing Wisely initiative for use in universities, hospitals and health professional colleges

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