
Choosing Wisely Implementation Hub

Choosing Wisely Implementation Hub provides links to helpful information on designing and implementing quality improvement activities in line with Choosing Wisely principles including specific recommendations. The purpose of the hub is to assist members and supporters, particularly Champion Health Services, to undertake quality improvement activities tailored to their local requirements.

General quality improvement resources

  1. NPS MedicineWise: QI Hub – Quality improvement in general practice ➔
    Practical information, tools and resources for health professionals and staff in general practice to help improve the quality of health care and safety for patients.
  2. NSW Therapeutic Advisory Group: Resource Kit for Measuring Strategies to Reduce Harm from Polypharmacy in Australian Hospitals ➔
    Includes a full set of resources, polypharmacy Quality Use of Medicines indicators and Patient Reported Experience Measures lists, data collection tools and user guide.
  3. National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards: User Guide for the Review of Clinical Variation in Health Care ➔
    Explains how health services and clinicians can use data to improve the appropriateness of clinical care.
  4. The Victoria Quality Council: A guide to using data for health care quality improvement ➔
    Outlines how to use data for health care quality improvement projects.
  5. The NSW Clinical Excellence Commission: Quality improvement tools ➔
    Includes graphs, charts, diagrams and mapping tools designed to help plot data for intended quality improvement initiatives.
  6. The Institute for Healthcare Improvement: Quality Improvement Essentials Toolkit ➔
    Includes the tools and templates required to launch a successful quality improvement project and manage performance improvement.
  7. Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care: Clinical care standards ➔
    A clinical care standard is a small number of quality statements that describe the care patients should be offered by health professionals and health services for a specific clinical condition or defined clinical pathway in line with current best evidence.
  8. National Health and Medical Research Council: Clinical Guideline Portal ➔
    Provides a single-entry point for access to clinical practice guidelines developed for use in Australian health care settings.
  9. The Australian Register of Clinical Registries ➔
    Provides summary information on the purpose and organisation of clinical registries at all stages of development.
  10. Evolve Recommendations on Low Value Care ➔
    An initiative led by physicians and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) to drive high-value, high-quality care in Australia and New Zealand.
  11. The Australian Council on Healthcare Standards: Clinical indicator program ➔
    It is a data repository, analysis and reporting service provided to member organisations.
  12. The Improvement Exchange ➔
    This web-based collaboration site is designed to connect people who share similar interests and generate conversations about small and largescale projects in Queensland Health.
  13. National Surgical Quality Improvement Program ➔
    The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program data enhances a hospital’s ability to zero in on preventable complications, using validated, risk-adjusted clinical and administrative data.
  14. The PIP Quality Improvement (QI) Incentive guidance ➔
    General practices work with their local Primary Health Network (PHN) to undertake continuous quality improvement activities through the collection and review of practice data on specified Improvement Measures.
  15. National Quality Use of Medicines Indicators for Australian Hospitals ➔
    Supports measurement of safety and quality of medicines use for quality improvement purposes, and to help health services to drive changes in healthcare practice.

Choosing Wisely Implementation Resources

  1. Choosing Wisely Hospital Implementation Toolkit - This toolkit includes best-practice information, tools and templates across governance, change management, communications, design, evaluation and interventions. Developed in partnership with Better Care Victoria.
  2. Choosing Wisely Stewardship Toolkit for Clinical Educators - This toolkit includes templates to support universities, hospitals and health professional colleges to integrate Choosing Wisely into education programs. This includes templates for developing a clinical case studies about a specific Choosing Wisely recommendation. This resource is intended to be an enabler to integrate Choosing Wisely recommendations and principles into a range of settings from undergraduate education to Grand Rounds. Clinical case studies developed by Choosing Wisely members are published on the Choosing Wisely website.
  3. Choosing Wisely in General Practice - Resource outlining a number of ways that general practices can get involved with Choosing Wisely Australia, including resources that can be used in conversations with health consumers.
  4. Starting a Choosing Wisely conversation - This toolkit was co-designed with Consumers Health Forum of Australia with the aim to encourage better conversations between consumers and their health care providers. It includes presentation slides, a video and links to key resources.
  5. Choosing Wisely 5 Questions to ask your doctor or other healthcare provider before you get any test, treatment, or procedure - This resource is designed for health consumers and health professionals to use in having conversations about the right amount of care.
  6. Consumer Engagement Resources for Champion Health Services - Resources developed through research with stakeholders and consumers for health services to demonstrate their health professionals are ready to listen to consumers questions.
  7. Choosing Wisely Australia slide deck - A slide deck for Choosing Wisely Australia advocates who are presenting on the initiative at meetings or events.

Implementation resources for Choosing Wisely recommendations

  1. Opioid prescribing
    1. Clinical Excellence Queensland: Opioid Prescribing Toolkit ➔
    2. Opioid Related Choosing Wisely recommendations
    3. NPS MedicineWise: Quality improvement for opioids ➔
      Information, tools and resources for making changes to achieve optimal safety and health outcomes in your use of opioids for patients with chronic non-cancer pain.
  2. Antimicrobial Stewardship Clinical Care Standard ➔
    Antibiotic related Choosing Wisely recommendations
  3. Delirium Clinical Care standard ➔
    Delirium Related Choosing Wisely recommendations
  4. Colonoscopy Clinical Care Standard ➔
    Colonoscopy Related Choosing Wisely recommendations
  5. Osteoarthritis of the Knee Clinical Care Standard ➔
    Osteoarthritis Related Choosing Wisely recommendations

5 Questions

5 questions to ask your doctor or other healthcare provider to make sure you end up with the right amount of care.

Find out more