Consumers and carers

The Next Wave event – March 2016

On 16 March 2016, fourteen peak healthcare colleges, societies and associations came together to announce 61 Choosing Wisely Australia recommendations.

Choosing Wisely Australia The Next Wave Event – March 2016

Julie McCrossin:

Our purpose today is to give you an expert update on the latest developments in this campaign. What is the Choosing Wisely Australia Campaign? What’s it about?

Dr Andrew Boyden:

So, it's really that encouraging conversations between individual consumers and their health practitioners about appropriate care.

Dr Frank Jones:

I think Choosing Wisely has been a fantastic phenomenon for general practice, because in the 21st century, science and technology has advanced so quickly and so fast, people don't fit into boxes. So it really is one of the challanges of the science and art of general practice that we have to use our evidence. I think we have to question at each and every step what we do.

Dr Matthew Anstey:

It's interesting this fits with the ethos of intensive care medicine. We used to think that doing more was better. More oxygen, more blood, more blood pressure, and then actually people came out and studied it and said, “More isn't better.”

Professor Michael Dooley:

And what we’re seeing on a day-by-day basis is antibiotics that aren't as effective, bacteria that’s resistant and, as a result of that, we’re seeing patients with life-threatening infections, where in the past they were easily treated.

Dr Mary Langcake:

So there's absolutely indisputable evidence that scans, in particular, carry risks to patients. So I think we need to let our patients know that sometimes what we might call ‘masterly inactivity’ is actually a very good way to manage them.

Laureate Professor Nicholas Talley:

I think it's about education. I think it's about communication. I think it's about driving enthusiasm from leadership, because leadership's part of this too. No leadership, nothing happens.

Tony Lawson:

It was music to my ears to hear the reference to clinicians acting as advocates for patients and consumers.

Dr Simon Judkins:

Well, Choosing Wisely really has been a very powerful vehicle to actually bring all those disciplines in and all those projects in under one big umbrella.

Dr Robyn Lindner:

I really wanted to thank firstly everyone who’s come here today. A huge thank you to all the colleges, associations and societies that are involved in Choosing Wisely.


Dr Robyn Lindner:

Secondly, I really want to thank our consumer partners. So, Consumers Health Forum and Health Direct. Choosing Wisely Advisory Group, really proud to have a number of our members here today, and particularly want to thank Richard King who is our chair and is sitting there patiently, observing this all. And then finally I want to thank the Choosing Wisely team. So a huge thank you to them. And then finally thank you, Julie, for doing such a fabulous job.


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