Low Back Pain Hub
Choosing Wisely has 10 recommendations on low back pain from The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists, the Australian Physiotherapy Association, the Faculty of Pain Medicine, and others. These recommendations cover prescribing of medications and imaging for low back pain. NPS MedicineWise has developed a number of educational programs, continuing professional development resources to help put Choosing Wisely recommendations on low back pain into practice in primary care settings. We also have a range of written and video resources for consumers.
Check out how Choosing Wisely is reducing unnecessary tests and treatments for low back pain and get inspired to further the conversation to reduce unnecessary treatments in your setting.
Primary care
Consumer resources
Low back pain recommendations
In practice in Primary Care
NPS MedicineWise educational program
Podcast: Low back pain - Providing reassurance, encouraging activity and reducing reliance on imaging
Low back pain is a complex and challenging condition. It affects people of all ages and is the leading cause of disability in the world. Unfortunately, many of the common treatments we use to manage low back pain may not be as effective as we would like and have the potential to cause harm.
Join us for a conversation between Dr Jeannie Yoo, GP and NPS medical advisor, and Professor Chris Maher, one of the world’s leading researchers in back pain. Together, they discuss all things back pain: from imaging to physiotherapy; what works and what doesn’t.